Friday, November 1, 2013

November, a season of gratitude, How to proceed...

Last year I wrote gratitude posts for the first time in my life each day of November, including the morning of Nov 20,2012.  I wrote one after the accident had occurred, before I knew that my life as I had known it had just ended, and a new one had began. 
 I was contemplating this morning as to whether I should do the same again this year because in many ways expressing gratitude for 20 days prior to Madie dying prepared me for the horrific events that followed, but then there is the side of me that says, "do you really want to go down that same path again?"
  As I pondered this I decided that if there is one thing I have learned this year it is that when I mentally immersed myself in gratitude, my burden is lifted even if it is only for a brief period, until the next wave of grief throws my whole world tumbling around me. 
 So with that idea, I decided that I will focus my thoughts there at least once everyday this month, and hope that it helps the journey of all that this month now holds for me. 
Nov 1,2013
 I am grateful for social media!  Something I never would have said a year ago, but in so many ways it gave me a voice this year.  A way to feel connected to a purpose or people even with the whole disconnect that can happen in our lives, in the present with the distractions of social media. Facebook and later blogging also provided a vehicle to have people around the world praying for our family, most especially Taylor, and also a way for so many to have a look into his miraculous journey of recovery, and a tool for me to write and share much about my personal journey. 

 I have come to understand in many ways that social media isn't just a big evil and time waster, although it can be that, but there were days when it was my only connection to people during very dark lonely hours. At times when I was really low, I would think "go write about it." I found because I was putting my feelings most of the time out publicly that the process of writing became a process of finding hope. Each time I went through the exercise  even when I felt rebellious or so incredibly despondent inside, as I dug to the depths of my soul, I found the source of healing for that moment, which I know came from a higher source.  

  I am also grateful to each and everyone who has through the click of a button offered support, prayers and comments to buoy me up when I was going under. 

I am grateful that this morning I had these thoughts that entered my brain, and I can see that again, the Holy Ghost inspired me to write. 

Let the month of gratitude begin....


  1. wonderful post. I know November can be tough. thanksgiving is always a tough one for me too. I commend you for being strong enough to do this, and share your thoughts and journey with the rest of us. I am thankful you joined social media and found me. you are a blessing. April

    1. Thank you so much April for your sweet and encouraging words <3
