Sunday, November 24, 2013

Nov 24- Grateful for promptings this week from the Holy Ghost

This morning I spent some time on looking at tools they have for making scripture study more effective.  I came across the statement below in a lesson I was reading titled "Using Scriptures to Meet Personal Needs"  As I read these words several situations from this past week came to mind when I knew that I had been taught by the spirit, as this describes.  I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Ghost, and promptings that come even if they are hard at times to accept.

“The scriptures can also help us obtain answers
to highly specific personal questions. It is obvious,
of course, that the scriptures do not contain a
comprehensive list of specific answers to every
question we could ask about a particular subject.
The scriptures are not like a telephone book or an
" We often hear it said that the scriptures have the answers to all of our questions. Why is this so?
 It is not that the scriptures contain a specific answer to every question—even to every doctrinal question. We have continuing revelation in our Church because the scriptures do not have a specific answer to every possible question. We say that the scriptures contain the answers to every question because the scriptures can lead us to every answer."
 The reading of the scriptures will help us obtain a testimony of the gospel of Jesus Christ. They will also put us in a position where we can obtain inspiration to answer any doctrinal or personal question, whether or not that question directly concerns the subject we are studying in the scriptures. That is a grand truth not understood by many. To state it again, even though the scriptures contain no words to answer our specific personal question, a prayerful study of the scriptures will help us obtain such answers. This is because scripture study will make us susceptible to the inspiration of the Holy Ghost, which, as the scriptures say, will ‘guide [us] into all truth’ (John 16:13), and by whose power we can ‘know the truth of all things’ (Moroni10:5).

“We may also find that a specific verse of scripture that was spoken for quite a different purpose in an entirely different age will, under the interpretive influence of the Holy Ghost, give us a very personal message adapted to our personal needs today”

I personally want to remember experiences as I went through this week of personal answers that came. 

 First that there wasn't another way for me to learn and become who I need to be without the experience of losing Madeline,

 almost losing Taylor and everything that has happened as a fall out of the crash a year ago. 

 I also learned this week that even though I want to have certain experiences, and have longed for them, that I am being given the gift of faith, which is a belief in things not seen.  Even though I have desired things that haven't happened as I had hoped, I am being stretched in the process of showing forth faith.

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