Saturday, June 15, 2013

More than just another day!

I have always had a thing for dates and numbers. It's something my brain does, that's kind of weird, but always gets my attention.. I can remember with clarity events that happened on certain dates, often from many years ago.
 Here's a few examples.. April 23, 1987 we closed on the only house that we've ever purchased..  Without realizing it, two years later on the same date we were car shopping and bought our first new car.  I told Larry maybe we should avoid shopping for any major purchases on that day.
April 27, 1993 I was at my OB GYN appointment,  for a regular visit at 17 weeks pregnant. The nurse couldn't find a heartbeat,  my baby had died since my last appointment.   April 27th, five years later, at the same doctors office, now 15 weeks pregnant, exact same thing;  there wasn't a heartbeat.  I clearly remember wondering why on earth I had scheduled a follow up visit for the date when I had lost a pregnancy 5 years earlier.  When Larry and I got on a flight on April 23rd this past year to go back to Las Vegas, this time for a convention, and returned with him really sick on the 27th, believe me I took note!  The good thing was the trip was filled with healing moments, accept for Larry getting so sick!
 Another interesting numbers/date coincidence is all of my seven children except Marielle were born on the 20 something of various months. Marielle was holding out for the 20th, until I mentioned to my doctor at 11:30 p.m. after pushing for 1 1/2 hours that she wanted to be born in the 20's like her siblings..  Out came the forceps, and she was born on the 19th just before midnight..

Obviously the most traumatic date line up would be the day of the accident when Taylor broke his neck and back, and Madie died on Nov. 20 2012.  I may never understand why it happened on Sterling's 26th birthday and Madeline's half birthday.
This past week I knew that the time when Madie left for college was fast approaching, but it wasn't until yesterday that I realized that  June 15th was the anniversary of when Madie left home to begin her first experience at BYU.  I clearly remember going to Ryan and Klara's home from the airport.  It was my grand daughter Evelyn Rose's 5th birthday, and I was so emotional that I called my husband and asked him to pick up a birthday gift and bring it over to Ryan's after work. ( I had lost my mother 10 months earlier, and my father 4 months before my mom and Madie leaving was really hard to accept another change so quickly)

 I remember Madie safely arriving in Utah, and being picked up by Sawyer's aunt and his cousin, Shaylee.  They took her to do some shopping for supplies and Madie lost her wallet in Walmart.  She was absolutely beside herself with all her id's and access to any money missing.  Shaylee and Madie decided to pray and soon decided to see if it had been turned into the lost and found.  Sure enough it was, and Madie was so incredibly relieved, as was I..  I missed her so much, but wanted her to know I believed in her, that she was ready for this shift in her life.
As I woke up this morning, I started realizing how much was happening and lining up on this day.  With the American Fork half marathon on my mind,  knowing that 4 people would be running in honor of Madie, and to support Taylor and Bailee as RoseRunners, (the new none profit organization my older children started in honor of Madeline Rose).. They were spotlighted on good morning Utah the morning before the race, which can be viewed on the RoseRunners websight..
 I immediately checked my computer to see if any pictures were up and found the first photo of the group before the race.

 As I shared the photo on FaceBook other photos and a video came across my news screen.

I realized my daughter Rachelle with  Bailee, CiCi, and Shannon were taking it to the streets. 

 I felt this need to go run -whatever that might look like while they were running.

  Larry left for his run ( I avoid concrete),
                                                      while I headed down to the creek. 

 It was our spot, the place that Madie and I would go to get away either for a walk or a run, but I had quit running 5 years ago because of some health challenges, so this was something I never saw myself doing again..

Earlier in the week I had been at the creek for my 3rd attempt at training for a 5K this fall.  Since I am starting over, and 25 pounds heavier than when I was running 5 years ago, I was taking this re entry very slowly.  Barely jog 1 minute, walk 1 1/2 minutes, then repeat it up to 8 times.

 So that was the plan this morning, but having watched the video before I left the house live from the race, something happened to me as I was running.  I found myself setting mini goals.. Run to the street with the bridge, (About 3/4 of a mile) then as I was approaching it I just had this desire to keep going to see what I could do.  I was all alone, back in our spot where many runs in our family had taken place, and I just couldn't quit.

                         I thought
                  "Madie I am pretty sure you are helping the crew in American Fork,

                       but if you can help me out here, I'd be grateful".  

I kept going... I felt invigorated.  I remembered the adrenaline rush I hadn't felt in years, and it moved me along. I talked to Madie asking her to help my knees and shoulders, praying for all the help I could get.

 Little did I know but my son Ryan was on his own personal challenge, running 8.25 miles during the same time, his personal best.  I thought "Madie is probably cheering us all on"..  I really wanted  to finish the whole loop around the creek, which is about a 2 1/2 to 3 mile run..
  As I was on the last 1/4 of the loop I texted Larry and he came to the finish and captured my personal victory.

 It felt good to participate on this landmark day.
                    Video with a surprise at the finish line

As soon as I returned home, it was off to Evelyn Rose's birthday celebration. 

 I remember with clarity 6 years ago driving to Austin to make it in time for her birth.  She was the first grandchild I was privileged to witness her arrival into the world.

We returned home, MarShae went for her "commemorative Madie run" and Larry and I went to a movie after my shower..

            I thought I should wear my Remember Madeline shirt
                        from the first event to memorialize her
 What a carefully planned surprise for our family on Dec 22, 2012

as if all of this wasn't enough there was even another landmark today.  Madie's friend, Megan Weaver was married.
                                     They co-chaired girls camp
                   which coincidentally included  June 15th, 2 years ago.

 We attended her reception this evening, to finish off our "more than just another day".

Now that's a lot of big things falling on one day!


  1. JoLynn you never cease to amaze me! "By small and simple things, are great things brought to pass, comes to mind. No comments on here yet, but they'll start trickling in I'm sure.

    Ashley has been harassing me about doing a 1/2 marathon. I don't see that happening in my near future, but you never know. Running kills my knees. Maybe if I start on the tread mill, get down 20 pounds I'll be able to do it!

    Love you!

    1. Tara I ended up going for a run tonight by the creek. It helped me do some talking to the guy upstairs. One of the good things about running is time to pray and ponder. excercise done wisely is always a good thing! I love you <3

  2. You are SO amazing! I definitely felt Madie's presence towards the end of the race when it was getting really hard and I wanted to walk so badly. My knees were hurting pretty badly too. They had signs posted every so often as words of encouragement that others had written or quoted. One of them said "angels among us". One of my favorite songs growing up and I knew that Madie was with me. I looked down and only saw one shadow, but believing in something that we can't see isn't a new concept to you or I. :) Love you! So glad I got to participate in that day!

    1. Oh Shannon, I can't tell you how happy it made me that you would train and run on Saturday. Madie always told me you were "the boss" when it came to running. My thinking is she probably was around helping us reach our goals. I love you!

    2. I'm so glad I got to participate before I leave! hahaha :) That's exactly the kind of thing I can imagine Madie saying. Miss you too! Can't wait to be back in Texas!

    3. I hope we someday can look back on all of this and see good that has come from it that even touches for me the sacrifice. I have seen so much good but never knew what the intensity of grief could feel like. When will you be back? Are you going to still be in Utah for the 24th of July run?

  3. You're incredible JoLynn. Madie is so proud.

  4. Thank you Shaylee! I am sure there are moments that she gets frustrated with me too <3 I wish I had her perspective!
