Sunday, December 13, 2015

Kindness lives on as miracles came from Madie today

Miracles happened in the temple this morning as random schedules lined up and I was in the right place at the right time to hear this sweet girls name, Avery Ivonosky.

 I knew Madie and her sister Emma were pretty pleased with their efforts for our paths to cross and for me to not only hear her name but know that she lost her sister Emma just four months ago in a freak accident.

Later in the day I realized that Avery's father had started a 13 days of random acts of kindness in honor of Emma that began today to help get through their first Christmas without Emma.

 If I hadn't been in the act of helping Avery (she was in the temple for her first time), as I thought she looked a bit unsure of what to do when she came into the dressing room so I proceeded to explain where things were and how to do certain things.

My purpose in being at the temple at this particular time was to be a part of Celeste Heck's first experience going to the temple since she was baptized in November.

My intentions were to finish quickly because Marielle was in a drama tournament that I was going to be attending the rest of the day.

A little while later as I was helping Celeste I was asked by a temple worker if I could stay and help the next girl because they were short workers for a few minutes.. 

It was as I was helping Avery that I heard her grandfather say her name and the tears started flowing.  I looked at her grandmother who was about 15 feet in front of me watching Avery and was sure she was Tiffany's mother because the resemblance was so striking. I hadn't met any of the Ivonosky family but have followed their story because mutual friends shared it with me when Emma died. 
I've felt empathy and understanding of their journey that feels so familiar. Both of our daughter's legacy of being kind. Both family's honoring our girls through spreading kindness..
Memories started flooding my mind.
I remembered Marielle going to this same temple when she was 12 just a few months after Madie died with Sawyer. I remembered him picking her up early that morning and still being in my pajamas. I recalled as soon as they left realizing I was going to miss something special, throwing on a dress and quickly driving to the temple. 
All these memories came flooding back to my mind as I watched sweet Avery's first experience of being baptized for her ancestors, and the tears streamed down my face.
 I realized how much all of us are loved by our Heavenly Father for this to just randomly occur this morning. I understood just how close our loved one's are. I knew Madie and Emma were pretty excited that this had happened, and their kindness came through the veil 
together today.

  As for the rest of my day, it was fun to see Marielle do so well, and place in several events.

My heart is full of gratitude as I reflect on the  many witnesses over the past month, while in the temple of Madie's involvement in my's was extra special.

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